SUPERGirls SHINE Foundation helps you find your inner "supergirl"

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Wednesday, March 24, 2021
SUPERGirls SHINE Foundation helps you find your inner "supergirl"
"We all have a supergirl inside of us" This group is helping girls follow their STEM dreams, including a young girl who lost her father to cancer and now wants to save lives

HOUSTON, Texas -- SUPERGirls SHINE Foundation believes we all have a supergirl inside of us.

The organization, celebrating 5 years, is committed to closing the gaps for women and girls of color in STEM, innovation and leadership initiatives.

Founder and Executive Director Loretta Williams Gurnell said they have helped thousands of girls since 2016, giving them opportunities to learn more about STEM, work with mentors in math and science fields, and see firsthand that careers like these are possible for everyone.

Joauna Carter joined SUPERGirls SHINE Foundation after her father passed away from cancer. She wants to do medical research to find a cure and save lives, and the organization is helping her follow her dreams.

If you want to learn more about SUPERGirls SHINE Foundation, you can visit their website or check them out on Instagram.