Crowded schools say 'yes' to Measure L


An increase in the number of families in San Mateo and Foster City has created a demand for more classrooms. By the next school year in 2008, there will be an additional 168 students. In 2010 the number will increase by 562 and in 2012, they expect 992 more students.

"We are enjoying increasing enrollment in this district and that is wonderful, but with increasing enrollment we have to look at capacity," says Jane Rosas Assistant Superintendent.

Last Wednesday, we saw how the increase in the number of elementary school students has put pressure on some schools like Baywood. Every year, parents camp out a day or two on the sidewalk, waiting to register their children.

"I think we are all hoping that Measure L passes because then, we'll all have space in the fall, so it's a good time to get behind that," says Todd Wade, parent.

Measure L is expected to expand schools and make improvements. The money would also go to repair leaky roofs and replace electrical wiring at some schools. A few buildings will have solar panels to improve energy efficiency.

Measure L goes before voters on Tuesday. In the voter pamphlet, there was no organized opposition. Still, we did find people who will vote against the measure.

"It's just another bond measure for the schools, it seems an endless supply of them and I am tired of seeing them on the ballot," says Frank Massa, voter.

Measure L needs a 55 percent majority to pass. If it does, the district says it would install a modular at Baywood this summer to begin accommodating more students while they wait for construction to begin.

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