After narrowing down the field from 200,000 to five, the Fairfield-based company has left it up to jelly bean fans to pick the newest addition to the Jelly Belly family.
To vote for their favorite, candy lovers can go to , a site that includes descriptions of the nominated flavors.
"We had many enticing ideas and it wasn't easy for our selection committee," Jelly Belly director of marketing Rob Swaigen said.
"The trend seems to be exotic, fusion flavors and concepts based on ethnic foods," he said. "The tie-breaker for multiple entries with the same idea was a 50-word essay, which is posted along with the flavor idea."
The deadline to vote is Aug. 31. Only one vote per person is allowed per day.
The creator of the winning flavor will win $10,000 and the chance to be present when the bean is created at the company headquarters.