Tips to make working at home easier for you and your children:
1) Consider creating an "office" for your little one by setting up a small desk with crayons, markers, paints (all washable, of course!), crafting scissors (depending on the child's age), a play phone, etc. and let them work while you work. Many times, they are happy just to be in the same room as mommy and will work quietly while mom works!
2) Schedule play breaks throughout the day. Often times 15-20 minutes sprinkled in throughout the day can lower the number of interruptions by your child, and can really reduce your stress level. I do this with my son who is 2 1/2 and I usually let him decide how we spend the time.
3) Give your child work projects. One idea is to take scrap paper and allow them to make note pads out of them by cutting the pieces into fun shapes, then stapling them together. Obviously, mom needs to be nearby and the child needs to be old enough to handle safety scissors.
4) Get a momtourage. This may consist of one or two other moms who also work from home, and the idea is that you each take a day to watch the kids. You may watch all of the kids for one day, but you may have two other days of free work time, and your child has a great time during the playdates. The other great thing about setting this up is that there is no cost for the moms involved. Try to schedule as many phone calls, meetings, and big projects on the days your child isn't home, and you'll have much more time for him or her when they are home.
5) Keep stickers and fun things in your desk. If your child comes in your office while you are on the phone and does not interrupt, they know they get a sticker, etc.
6) Consider outsourcing. We all have projects that take up our time which we dread doing, such as housekeeping, maintaining business reports, invoicing. By outsourcing even one or two of these items, you will save yourself several hours each month and free up more time for your family.
Dynamic Support Solutuions provides a variety of highly professional administrative support and marketing services to clients worldwide. For more information, visit
About Sandi Silva, Founder Dynamic Support Solutions:
After years of working in marketing, sales and administration in the corporate environment, Sandi Silva decided to launch her own home-based business following the birth of her son. Finding that her talents were well-suited for a career as a Virtual Assistant, Sandi became certified as a V.A. and started her company, Dynamic Support Solutions. Earlier this year she expanded her one-woman business by adding a team of five virtual assistants to help support the growing needs of her clients. Sandi teaches business start-up and marketing how-to workshops each month at the Windsor Chamber of Commerce.