Rabbi Gavriel Noach /*Holtzberg*/ and his wife Rivki, directors of the Chabad in /*Mumbai*/, were among numerous bodies found after the attack ended, said San Francisco Rabbi Yosef Langer.
"This is a horrific tragedy," Langer said. "The communities are devastated, are saddened, are fearful."
He said the Jewish faith, however, aims to turn such tragic events into a channel for positive thinking.
"The Chabad mission statement is to turn this energy of despair and fear and sadness and anger into something positive through promoting acts of goodness and kindness for world peace," Langer said. "That's what we're trying to accomplish."
The hour-long memorial will include speakers, a video and a short prayer, Langer said.
The memorial will take place at 7:30 p.m. at the San Francisco Jewish Community Center, located at 3200 California St., Langer said.