Get your business noticed

Jill's advice:

  • When businesses are cutting back on various expenses and complain about not having the money to advertise to try to bring in more, bestselling author Jill Lublin says there are ways to get noticed for little or no money.

  • Be yourself. Build on your assets and your uniqueness because they are really what people want. on't just be a copycat; find your own voice. Get noticed in your own way.

  • With the current state of the economy this is a good time to learn the how to work your business around your life, so it fits in your life, supports your life, and reflects you. Too many people do the reverse.

  • Think of your clients, customers, referral sources, vendors, and suppliers as your partners and friends as people who want to help you. Never forget that they're people, not just business statistics, and that you cannot succeed without them. Now is the time to become partners and help one another.

  • Master the art of listening because when you listen, you truly learn. If you listen, people will want to share their knowledge with you, be with you and help you. They will consider you their friend and go to great lengths to help you.

  • Be generous. Make giving a central part of your life. Work hard and give your clients and customers more than they expect. Give people your time. Always show your appreciation, thanks, and reward those who help. Praise others, and give them the credit… and the spotlight.

  • Surround yourself with the most interesting, active, and positive people. Hang around with experts, authorities, and people who are smarter and more accomplished than you. Find ways to meet them and be with them because they will open amazing new doors for you.

  • Always ask can I do it better, more interestingly, or more inventively? Challenge yourself to go beyond your prior accomplishments and to always surpass your best.

  • Never compromise your integrity. Stand by your values, but don't preach. Always be truthful, honest, fair, understanding, and humane. Deliver what you promised when you promised.

  • Constantly strive for excellence and do everything in the best possible way. Build a reputation for continually doing outstanding work and everyone will want to be with and work with you.
About Jill Lublin
Praised as a modern-day Dale Carnegie for how to be influential, Jill Lublin authored the bestselling book Get Noticed…Get Referrals: Build Your Client Base and Your Business by Making a Name for Yourself (McGraw-Hill, June 2008). She is also the coauthor of two other national bestselling books, Networking Magic which rose to #1 on the Barnes and Noble charts for three weeks, and Guerrilla Publicity, the PR bible. Jill is the founder of GoodNews Media, Inc. and hosts the TV program, Messages of Hope, and the nationally syndicated radio show, Do the Dream. In addition she has created two audio programs, three DVD training videos, and a workbook.

Jill is a popular international speaker who teaches powerful publicity, networking, and how to be influential techniques. As the CEO of the strategic consulting firm, Promising Promotion, Jill has trained companies in innovative techniques to improve bottom line results. In the past twenty years, she has worked with ABC, NBC, CBS, and other national media, and knows what the media wants.

Jill has been featured in The New York Times, Women's Day, Fortune Small Business, Inc, and Entrepreneur Magazine, and on ABC and NBC radio and TV national affiliates.

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>> Buy the book on Amazon: Get Noticed…Get Referrals: Build Your Client Base and Your Business by Making a Name for Yourself

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