The power returned around 2:30 p.m. It was out for a while, but that didn't stop shoppers. It's hard enough to navigate through the aisles of a supermarket the day before Thanksgiving. Imagine doing it in the dark. "It's really dark. People are being escorted throughout the shops so they can find things on the shelves. They're using flashlights," customer Vanessa Armijo said.
Was visiting her daughter for the holiday and not having a good day. "Especially since my flight was delayed for hours yesterday and then I got in and it was pouring raining so, and then this, so I don't know. Maybe I'll tell her, 'Next time, you come home,'" Jan Reiss said.
Supermarkets in the area were packed, as sign that perhaps the economy is improving. People at a Honey Baked store on Geary Street had to wait about 45 minutes to pick up their orders.