Kids are taken to the TABS processing center if they're caught by officers out in the streets when they should be in class; TABS stands for Truancy Abatement Burglary Suppression.
Three officers are now assigned to the beat since the new school year has started. If they come across a kid who should be in school they can bring them here to the processing center, call their parents from the field, or take the kid back to class. Officers say sometimes the parents are surprised to find out their child is not at school.
"We want them to understand that we're here to help. We're here to see that their kid gets back into school where they belong. And if the parents are having some other issues with them then we will help them directly through the police department or other resources," said San Jose Police Officer Albert Morales.
Officers say past experience has shown many daytime burglaries are committed by kids who are cutting school. Crime statistics showed record highs for burglaries in San Jose last year and this year burglaries are up about four percent.
More officers are scheduled to be assigned to this unit next month -- with about six to eight patrolling the city looking for truants.