7 On Your Side helps couple with frustrating remodel job


The easy part for this couple was ordering the liner for their new bathtub. The tough part was getting the project completed.

It seemed like a simple remodel job. All Tim Jarac wanted to do was put up new walls and flooring in their 100-year-old home and update the tub with a new liner.

"The installers came out, removed everything that was here. The walls, they cut up about a foot and a half two feet on the walls," said Jarac.

Then it came time to put in the bathtub liner for which the installers already had measurements. There was only one major problem. His wife, Johnnie Grace, explains that the liner extended five inches past where the tub ends now.

"There would be nothing underneath it, so over time it would soften and eventually give," said Grace.

The installers said they would order a new liner. They waited and waited. Meanwhile the bathroom was torn up and unusable. They had to use their tenant's bathroom and discount the rent of their tenants for the inconvenience.

"It was ugly for weeks. Every time I walked in there, I had to look in these awful walls. No plumbing because they took it all apart," said Grace.

The couple said the draft was unbearable so finally Jarac put sheet rock on the walls to keep the house warm. Then more contractors came out to do measurements.

"Then about two days later, they called up and said, we're done with the job," said Jarac.

It seems Home Depot could not find a liner that would fit the tub. Home Depot stepped up and offered the refund they had promised if the job wasn't done on time.

"They promised a two-day turnaround. What a mess. What a mess. It's been months," said Grace.

That was back in September. December came around, but still, no refund. So they called 7 On Your Side.

"I always see 7 On Your Side and they always manage to do the right thing for the consumer. So I emailed them," said Grace.

We're happy to report the refund has arrived. Home Depot told us, "We're truly sorry for the delay with Ms. Grace's refund, but we're certainly happy we were able to resolve the issue to her satisfaction."

As for the tub liner, the couple tells us they aren't sure there's a solution and may just have to rip out everything all over again to put in a whole new tub.

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