OAKLAND, Calif. (KGO) -- Technically Speaking-- the Oakland A's opened their season last week in Japan. But for their fans in the Bay Area, this is the one they'll remember.
On Opening Day, anywhere, it's about more than baseball because it's also about us. Scores aside, we expect a level of perfection centered around fresh green grass and youthful renewal.
RELATED: Final preparations underway for A's Opening Day at the Coliseum
"Once a year you do this, school or work it's a special day-- he's sick," said father Nick Gury.
Call it the baseball flu-- an entire parking lot filled with ailing people.
Like a melting pot, heated by barbecues. We found Randy Miller from Fountaingrove in Sonoma County, cooking on a wreck of a grill that survived the loss of his house in the Tubbs fire.
"Well, it's resilient like Oakland is resilient."
RELATED: Predictions, inside info and fun facts: The only Opening Day preview you need
Farther down the row of cares, Christian Delgadillo went with a non-traditional dish.
"Whole frog. No frog legs."
What could be better on an Opening Day in Oakland?
When asking fans about the Oakland Raiders the feelings about the move to Las Vegas and the Warriors going to San Francisco is one of discontent. Most unhappy about the news.
"You got anything for the Raiders?" we asked David Peters.
"Get out! Like the Movie! Get out!"
It makes the A's all-the-more special in the East Bay, and especially Oakland.
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