Bernie Sanders heads to Santa Monica for rally

ByCarolyn Tyler, via
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Bernie Sanders wraps up campaign in San Francisco on primary day
California's Secretary of State anticipates a surge in turnout today and San Francisco City Hall had a steady stream of voters Tuesday afternoon.

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- A record number of Californians, more than 72 percent are registered to vote in Tuesday's primary.

California's Secretary of State anticipates a surge in turnout today and San Francisco City Hall had a steady stream of voters Tuesday afternoon.

RELATED: Bay Area voting guide: June 7, 2016

The 2008 election was the last time an incumbent was not running.

John Arntz is the San Francisco director of elections.

"As of yesterday, we're seeing about a 47 percent turnout worth of voters. Really, today will be the day that determines if we go beyond that or not," Arntz said.

California is the biggest prize in the nation's contest Tuesday. Bernie Sanders, wrapped up his campaigning in San Francisco with breakfast morning at French Bistro, the Butler and the Chef near AT&T Park.

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A count of delegates and super delegates indicates his rival Hillary Clinton has clinched the nomination. That news Monday night did not seem to impact those who showed up to vote.

"I'm feeling the Bern. I let it burn. I'm not into the idea of a presidential family ruling this country. I want someone new," said Fairley Parson, a San Francisco voter.

"I voted for Hillary Clinton. I think she's going to be great for the party," said San Francisco voter Alex Randolph.

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ABC7 News ran into a divided household, spouses Theresa and Alia.

"I feel like Bernie definitely has been for gay rights from the beginning and that's important to me," Theresa Pasinosky said.

"I voted for Hillary," said Alia Luqman said. "I really sincerely think she's the most qualified for the job, period."

Polls have shown a tight race in California. Francisco Morales waited almost until the last minute to decide.

RELATED: Sanders has no plans to concede if he loses California primary

"Bernie could also be as good as Hillary, but I think I have confidence in Hillary," Morales said.

The governor gave all California counties extra money to gear up for the election and things in San Francisco are running smoothly.

For full coverage on the presidential election, click here.

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