Beyonce fans petition White House to make her birthday a national holiday

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Saturday, September 5, 2015
Petition: Make Beyonce's birthday a national holiday

Happy birthday, Beyonce, here's a holiday for you.

Fans of the 17-time Grammy winner, who turns 34 Friday, believe so strongly that she should be celebrated that they've started a White House petition asking the President to "formally declare Beyonce's birthday, September 4, a national holiday."

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The White House responds to every petition that garners enough signatures, even if it's a petition requesting a Death Star be built.

The petition was started on Thursday, and so far only about 700 fans have signed it. In order to even get a response about the "B'Day" proposal, 99,300 more fans will need to jump on board in the next month. Being Beyonce does has its perks, though, as the First Lady has already acknowledged her special day on Twitter.

How would we celebrate B'Day? The creators of the petition have a few suggestions, including "Acknowledging who run the world. (Girls.)," "Reminding those around them that they woke up like this," and "Informing past romantic partners that if they liked it, they should have put a ring on it."

Beyonce hasn't commented on the petition, but she did post about a more sentimental present. Her family created a playlist of songs that "narrate their most cherished moments with her," which the singer said she found sweet.

How would you celebrate "B'Day?" Let us know in the comments.

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