Passengers still stuck on Grand Princess cruise ship growing frustrated at Port of Oakland

ByJ.R. Stone KGO logo
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Frustration growing for those stuck on Grand Princess in Oakland
Tuesday night frustrations were building among some passengers who were on and are on the Grand Princess cruise ship. Many had to wait for long periods of time on charter buses after they disembarked from the ship. Others on board say the food is no longer good.

OAKLAND, Calif. (KGO) -- Tuesday night frustrations were building among some passengers who were on and are on the Grand Princess cruise ship.

Many had to wait for long periods of time on charter buses after they disembarked from the ship. Others on board say the food is no longer good.

TIMELINE: Grand Princess cruise ship docks at Port of Oakland after days at sea

A bus load of passengers from the Grand Princess cruise ship was stuck sitting on a charter bus Tuesday night waiting to go to Travis Air Force Base.

The bus didn't initially make it to the port exit. Those on board tell us two of the passengers weren't from California so they had to turn around to be taken off the bus.

"This has been the most tedious day you kinda reach a point where you are just ready to get things over with," said Barney Cargile. He spoke with us before he was able to exit the ship with his wife.

PHOTO GALLERY: Coronavirus-stricken 'Grand Princess' cruise ship arriving in San Francisco Bay

As of Tuesday night 1,406 passengers have disembarked from the Grand Princess. About two dozen have mild symptoms and will be relocated to a state beach in Pacific Grove near Monterey. But not everyone has left.

"There's lots of positives but the negative is of course we're still here," says Karen Dever. Karen and her husband Harry are from New Jersey and they still don't know where they'll be going, when they'll be going, and when they'll get a decent meal.

"The breakfast that we had today...that brown stuff....oh it was terrible it wasn't even warm and the scrambled eggs were cold."

Just the latest frustration building as passengers continue to wait on board.


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