'I would take it': Marin Co. public school teachers may get priority for COVID-19 vaccine

ByCornell W. Barnard KGO logo
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Some Marin Co. teachers may get priority for COVID-19 vaccine
In Marin County, public school teachers may be among the first essential workers to get the coronavirus vaccine.

MARIN COUNTY, Calif. (KGO) -- The first doses of the coronavirus vaccine are on the way to the Bay Area and could be here within days.

In Marin County, public school teachers may be among the first essential workers to get the long-awaited shots.

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"It's the only way we're going to get out of this mess we're in," said Liz Duffield.

Duffield is a Novato special education teacher. Sshe says she's ready for her dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

"I would take it, I will take it," she said.

Health officials say Marin County public school teachers and personnel could be among the first essential workers to get the vaccine, after frontline healthcare workers and residents and staff at skilled nursing facilities.

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"Good Morning America" breaks down what we know about the future of the coronavirus vaccine.

"We're expecting 2,000 doses for the entire county starting next week," said Marin County Public Health Officer Dr. Matt Willis.

Willis says with new COVID-19 cases surging, it only makes sense to give teachers first dibs.

"We see schools as essential functions and teachers as essential workers, they'll be prioritized for vaccine," said Willis.

The timeline is still unclear, but it could be late January or early February for teachers to get the shots.

"If my taking the vaccine makes parents feel better about sending their kids to school, I am all about it," Duffield said.

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"It's been a priority in the state and locally to get students back to in-person opportunities," said Mary Jane Burke, Marin County Superintendent of Schools.

Parent Holly Leslie was anxious for her kids to get back to the classroom, she supports early vaccines for teachers.

"I think they should so they feel comfortable for the kids," Leslie said.

Teachers unions like getting priority, but they want the rollout of the vaccines to be safe and not rushed.

"We can't wait to be back in the classroom once we ensure the safety for everyone on campus." Marin Educators for Safe Schools said in a statement.

The logistics of how and where teachers will get the vaccine are still being worked out.

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