Federal unemployment payments and stimulus money: Here are the pandemic financial aid deadlines you need to know

Saturday, November 21, 2020
These are the pandemic financial aid deadlines you need to know
As we approach the end of the year, those in need of financial assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic need to act quickly to ensure they get their funds.

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- Our reporting has found plenty of workers who still haven't received their EDD payments, like these two.

STIMULUS CHECK UPDATE: IRS deadline to register approaching for those who don't file tax returns

"Literally I feel like I have been betrayed by the EDD," says Michael Conant of San Francisco.

"I'm super beyond frustrated right now with everything. It's not even funny," says San Diego's Britany Slattery.

Now, new concerns are surfacing.

The federal unemployment payments of $600 a week have ended. Does that mean the EDD has caused some workers to miss out on that money?

Good question, but there is nothing to worry about.

Michelle Evermore is with the National Employment Law Project. She says, "If you are due an unemployment benefit, you should get it."

What if the money runs out? Again, Evermore says no problem.

RELATED: Workers with jobs get EDD benefits, desperately try to return it before year's end

"It doesn't matter if the state of California runs out of its unemployment insurance trust fund, which it did early on in the recession. They are required to borrow money from the federal government to pay all those benefits. So, whenever they sort out your benefit, you will get it," she says.

If you have an issue with these payments, let 7 On Your Side know and we will sort things out.

Now, what about that $1,200 stimulus check?

Most who qualify have been paid, but some like Susan Hawkins of Hayward has not. That's why she reached out to 7 On Your Side.

"I was worrying that the deadline would pass and I'd lose the opportunity to receive it," she says.

RELATED: Why is Bank of America draining EDD bank accounts?

Most Americans were automatically sent payments, but some have to let the IRS know they qualify.

Raphael Tulino is a spokesperson for the IRS. Tulino says, "If you're eligible for one of these payments and you don't file a tax return, the IRS needs this information by the 21st in order to get you a payment this calendar year, preferably."

7 On Your Side walked Susan through the process of applying for her stimulus payment and it appears she is now in line to get her payment. We have helped others as well. You can check on the status of your payment at irs.gov.

If you miss this Saturday's noon deadline, you can still apply for the payment by filing a 2020 tax return.

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