Richmond craftsman drives nostalgia home with vintage creations

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Monday, December 18, 2023
Richmond man creates decor from vintage car parts
Richmond man creates decor from vintage car partsClassic car parts that were once destined for the junkyard are being re-engineered. For Glenn McCutchen, it all started as a hobby during the pandemic.

RICHMOND, Texas -- A couple decided to do something more with their pandemic hobby. Glenn McCutchen makes art out of old car parts. His wife, Marcie, helps put the pieces online to sell them.

Glenn said Car Part Arts started while looking for a computer during the pandemic. He noticed someone had a hubcap clock and wanted to try making something similar.

"I gave them to my family and my friends. They liked them, and then my wife said, 'Ay! You ought to start selling these, so that's what we did," said Glenn.

The McCutchens started to create more than clocks, adding lamps, keys, and coat racks to the collection. The majority of the parts they find come from swap meets or online. However, Glenn also finds parts from secondhand stores and family and friends.

Most popular pieces come from 1950s Chevrolet models, "I enjoy these pieces because it gives me a sense of accomplishment, and it's something I can do with my wife's help," said Glenn. "It feels good to take nothing and make it into something."

Prices range from $35 to over $200, depending on the type of item you are looking for. To view available pieces, click here.