10 Moments that Mattered at the RNC

Friday, July 22, 2016

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Though the Republican National Convention got off to a rocky start, with a floor flight and a plagiarism scandal, it ended with a lengthy speech from Donald Trump that was well-received from a raucous crowd.

Here's a rundown of some of the highlights from the past four days in Cleveland.

1. A Rules Vote Turns Into a Floor Fight

The floor of the Republican National Convention erupted into chaos Monday amid an attempt by the never-Trump faction to change the event's rules.

The bid was defeated, thwarting the effort to block the real-estate mogul's path to the nomination. -Ryan Struyk and John Parkinson

2. Rudy Giuliani Gets Enthused

The former mayor of New York was one of the most passionate speakers who addressed the crowd, growing visibly enthused throughout the address.

"What I did for New York, Donald Trump will do for America," he said on Monday night.

3. Donald Trump Makes a Grand Entrance

The magnate turned politician is known to be a fan of spectacles.

His "surprise" entrance on the first night of the convention fit the bill.

He walked onstage amid a massive blast of white back-lighting while Queen's "We Are The Champions" blasted.

4. Portions of Melania Trump's Speech Were Taken from Michelle Obama

Melania Trump delivered the most anticipated speech of the first night of the convention, but it was only after the fact that sparks began to fly as it became clear that two passages were previously used in Michelle Obama's speech to the Democratic National Convention in 2008.

An employee at Trump's company came forward two days later saying that she unintentionally left quotes from Obama's speech in a version of the speech after Melania had read them off as examples of ideas that she liked. The employee offered to resign but Donald Trump would not accept it.

5. The Son Nominates the Father

Trump's son, Donald Jr., who is a Republican delegate, was the one to announce the vote with his sisters Ivanka and Tiffany and brother Eric by his side.

"Congratulations Dad, we love you!" Donald Jr. screamed.

Don Jr. told ABC afterwards that "other than the birth of my children, it's the coolest thing I've ever done. Totally surreal. Totally intense."

6. Another Grand Entrance, This Time By Air

The Republican presidential nominee landed by helicopter not far from the Republican National Convention in downtown Cleveland ahead of the third night of the convention.

Trump arrived by himself, while his running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, arrived at the Cleveland Science Center earlier.

7. Ted Cruz Gets Booed

Trump's former rival Sen. Ted Cruz was roundly booed after failing to endorse Trump during an address to the Republican National Convention -- a highly-visible snub from the Texas lawmaker, whom Trump tormented as "Lyin' Ted," during the primary.

Cruz told delegates and voters to "vote your conscience" in November and never specifically said that people should cast their ballots for the Republican nominee. During the course of his speech, Cruz only mentioned Trump once, congratulating him on getting the nomination.

8. Mike Pence Introduces Himself to America

Trump's running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, introduced himself to the Republican National Convention -- and to Americans elsewhere -- as a "a Christian, a Conservative and a Republican" and said that the presidential nominee "gets it."

Pence got a few laughs early on in his speech on Wednesday night, noting some of the obvious question marks that came along with his selection: how different he is from Trump and his lack of a national profile.

"You know, he's a man known for his large personality, a colorful style, and lots of charisma, and so, well, I guess he was looking for someone to balance the ticket," Pence said.

9. Ivanka Trump Fights For Her Father

The highest-profile speaking slot of Trump's four grown children was awarded to Ivanka Trump on Thursday night, when she introduced her father to the convention.

She received some of her biggest applause moments when she praised her father as being "gender neutral," giving examples of how well he treats his female employees.

"He will fight for equal pay for equal work and I will fight for this too, right alongside of him," she said.

10. Trump Takes it Home

Trump "humbly and gratefully" accepted the Republican presidential nomination as part of an epic, 75-minute speech that was one of the longest convention speeches in recent history.

He touched on a variety of topics -- from foreign and domestic threats to his vision for the country -- while repeatedly saying that he is the "voice" of the American people.

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