Motorcyclist charged after smashing SUV mirror on Highway 24

Byby Cornell Barnard KGO logo
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Motorcyclist charged after smashing SUV mirror on Highway 24
Police in Orinda arrested the motorcycle rider last week, after a case of road rage which quickly escalated. Police say the motorcyclist was caught smashing a side mirror of a car on Highway 24.

ORINDA, Calif (KGO) -- CHP Aircraft camera catches rider smashing mirror of SUV on Highway 24, authorities say the bad behavior has been happening for months.

CHP officers arrested an Antioch man, minutes after he was spotted by a police aircraft on his Green Kawasaki motorcycle with gold rims, smashing the side mirror of a car he was passing on highway 24.

Cameras on the CHP aircraft captured the rider driving recklessly and smashing the mirror of an SUV.

The patrol unit was searching for the rider after getting similar reports of vandalism early last week involving a motorcycle with the same description.

"Within a few minutes we saw him doing this, hitting mirrors and making rude, obscene gestures to people," said CHP Pilot Mark Mitchell.

The CHP says the rider kept going, doing wheelies and reaching speeds of 100 mph. The CHP plane kept up following the man to his home in Antioch.

Police arrested 29-year-old Eric Poole, Jr. charging him with reckless driving, vandalism and driving a motorcycle with no registration.

Police say it's not an isolated incident and Poole could face further charges.

"After the investigation, we have found he's been involved in this behavior for several months, said CHP flight officer, Tony Jackson.

Poole is currently out of the Contra Costa County Jail on bail. Attempts to contact Poole were unsuccessful.

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