SF 'exploring' NYC-type mandate, requiring proof of vaccination for range of indoor activities

The hope is the demand for proof will encourage the unvaccinated to get the vaccine, or risk being left on the outside looking in.

Amanda del Castillo Image
Wednesday, August 4, 2021
SF 'exploring' NYC-type vaccine mandate
San Francisco is considering a mandate that would require people show proof of vaccination to enter a range of indoor activities.

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- A number of private businesses across the Bay Area have already put into practice their own vaccine mandates. These are requirements that only allow the fully inoculated indoors.

On Tuesday, there was talk of taking that a step further.

RELATED: New York City will soon require proof of COVID-19 vaccine for indoor dining, gyms

"If you're going to go indoors at this critical time, when cases are going up and up and up, in small quarters you should be vaccinated," San Francisco Supervisor Matt Haney told ABC7 News. "And you should be able to demonstrate that."

Sup. Haney posted a poll to Twitter on Tuesday. He pointed to New York City's new mandate, and asked Twitter users if they would support a similar approach locally.

New York City's Mayor Bill de Blasio announced dining at restaurants, working out at a gym, attending a movie or play will all soon require vaccine proof.

San Francisco Health Director Dr. Grant Colfax told reporters on Tuesday, "We're exploring that."

VIDEO: Hundreds of SF bars now requiring proof of vaccination or COVID-19 test

Hundreds of San Francisco bars are now requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccination or a COVID-19 test if you would like to go inside.

"Right now, we've seen that a number of bars and restaurants and other entities are doing that," Dr. Colfax continued. "And we're very supportive of that, and are encouraging people to take advantage of that policy."

ABC7 News recently reported on the hundreds of San Francisco bars, part of the San Francisco Bar Owner Alliance, are now requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccination or a COVID-19 test if you would like to go inside.

RELATED: Biden chides Republican governors who resist COVID-19 vaccine rules

"What I'm hearing is, 'I'd rather have the indoor vaccine mandate than the indoor mask mandate,'" Haney said. "Because if you can be sure that you're around other people who are vaccinated, people would rather have that."

"We've got to take some immediate, urgent action to protect people," he continued.

"It could happen this week," Sup. Haney continued. "To be clear, it could not happen at all. It's ultimately up to the Public Health Officers. They may decide that the indoor mask mandate is the way to go and they don't want to do a vaccine mandate. I think the fact that New York did it before the Bay Area- who has otherwise been ahead of the curve in many ways- this was a surprise to some people. And I do think that this is going to be something, this week, that public health officials across California- not just in the Bay Area, are looking at very closely."

VACCINE TRACKER: Here's how CA is doing, when you can get a coronavirus vaccine

In San Mateo County, Supervisor David Canepa tweeted, "If you want to get into a bar or restaurant and don't have proof of vaccination, you may be turned away and forced to drink home alone tonight just like in the #BigApple. So please #GetTheShot!

"The County of San Mateo has not officially taken a position on doing this," Sup. Canepa admitted. "But I do think, like the other counties, I believe it's something that's seriously being considered."

Sup. Canepa emphasized any decision would come with safety in mind. He added, "These professionals are making these decisions, not people like myself- politicians. These are made by people who are based in science and data and have a lot of training."

The hope is the demand for proof will encourage the unvaccinated to get the vaccine, or risk being left on the outside looking in.

Canepa adding, "It's selfish, shameful, and they should be sitting at home."

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