San Mateo murder suspect in custody following standoff in Redwood City

Alan Wang Image
ByAlan Wang KGO logo
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
San Mateo murder suspect in custody following Standoff in Redwood City
Police arrested 22-year-old murder suspect Anthony Kirincic following a standoff at his parents' Redwood City home.

SAN MATEO, Calif. (KGO) -- SWAT officers in Redwood City took 22-year-old Anthony Kirincic into custody around 7:30 p.m. Monday. He's accused of murdering his girlfriend 34-year-old Colleen Straw in San Mateo over the weekend.

After two-and-a-half hours of negotiating with police, Kirincic surrendered and walked out of the house.

On Saturday, police found his car in a San Carlos parking garage. They shut down the streets and evacuated an urgent care center, but they couldn't find him. On Sunday, BART police in Walnut Creek swept trains and the station after his cellphone pinged nearby. Then, late Monday afternoon, he showed up at his parents' house.

Kirincic surrendered after police threw a flash bang grenade into the Redwood City house where he was holed up. His parents' house was under heavy surveillance when Kirincic rode up on a bicycle around 5 p.m. Police immediately surrounded the house.

Nigel, a neighbor, said police showed up in "full tactical gear, tactical vest, basically, it looked like machine guns, but I'm not sure."

Kirincic was wanted in connection with stabbing Straw. Just before she died on Saturday, police say Straw called 911 and told police she was attacked by Kirincic in her San Mateo apartment on South B Street.

READ MORE: Warning signs of domestic violence everyone should know

"Our detectives worked literally 24/7 around the clock for the last three days doing surveillance at various locations," San Mateo Police Capt. Dave Norris said.

In late September, Kirincic was arrested and charged for assaulting Straw who ended up in the hospital. After serving 60 days of a 120-day sentence in jail, for felony assault and domestic violence, Kirincic was released last week. By then, Straw had field a second restraining order against him to keep him away.

VIDEO: San Mateo police search for fatal stabbing suspect

"We attempted several times to provide services and to insure that the victim was getting the services that she needed throughout the ongoing relationship and the danger that was happening there," Norris said. When asked if she accepted those services, Norris replied, "Some of them."

Police say they notified Straw that Kirincic was released from jail, but would not explain which services she accepted. Kirincic is in jail on $5 million bail.

Meantime, Straw's parents mourn for their "beautiful, talented and kind daughter."

They told ABC7 News that she always saw the best in everyone she met.

Statistics say restraining orders are usually successful. In this case, it was not worth the paper it was written on.

Here are resources about how to get help if you or someone you love is experiencing domestic violence:

National Domestic Violence Hotline: A confidential, free, 24-hour hotline for victims

LoveIsRespect: A confidential, free, 24-hour hotline to help teens

The U.S. Office for Victims of Crime: Offers a state-by-state breakdown of available legal and financial assitance for victims of crimes Offers a tool to find shelters and/or legal help in your area

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