Mysterious messages of love and kindness appear on Alameda sidewalks

Byby Katie Utehs, KGO
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Mysterious messages of love and kindness appear on Alameda sidewalks
In the East Bay, messages of hope are being found in the most unexpected of places -- the sidewalk.

ALAMEDA, Calif. (KGO) -- Messages scrawled in chalk on Alameda sidewalks.

"It says, 'Your mom loves you. Everything is going to be awesome. Just you wait,'" read Andrea Salgues, an Alameda resident.

"'Give more love today than you did yesterday. It matters,'" read Bahar Rasul, who spotted the quote while wrangling her three children.

VIDEO: Spreading love, one piece of chalk at a time

An Alameda artist is spreading joy in an unexpected way, by creating messages of love and kindness out of chalk. Written on the sidewalk, these affirmations are making people's days.

"Every half block or so there's a message about something very positive and very nice," said Salgues.

Words of kindness.

"It's so inspirational. It's just great," noted Henry Bruckstein, an Alameda Resident.

All unsigned by the author. So who's behind the sentiments?

"Yeah, I've been very much wondering," said Bruckstein.

The secret is known at Salon 1500 on Encinal Avenue.

"I thought to myself, 'Wow, what did she do?' So I came on out and I read the quote, which is a beautiful quote," explained Justine Lorenze.

Lorenze is the chalk artist's hair stylist and she'd just written in front of the salon.

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"She's a mom of three beautiful children, she's a great wife, and she just wants to devote herself to Alameda and show that everything here is so beautiful," said Lorenze.

But, the secret of her identity is safe with him.

"Whoever it is out there I know they want to remain anonymous, but thank you and keep it coming," said Bruckstein.

So far she's written around 60 messages in Alameda and Bay Farm Island. She's been writing the messages for the last five days. Many are around schools.

"'You're going to have the best year. Plus, you get new crayons,' I think that's absolutely awesome," commented Bruckstein after reading one of the quotes.

People are sharing the love on the Alameda Peeps Facebook page.

"All positive saying how much it's impacted their life over a bad day," said Lorenze as he scrolled through the comments.

Just like a good hair cut can brighten your day so to can a sidewalk message.

"It made a big change and a big impact on my mood and my day and I want to thank her," said Rasul.

The artist wants her alias to be "Carry Chalk" because she'd like people to do just that; pick-up a piece of chalk and write a kind message in your neighborhood.

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