Homeless teen blogger gets help


Katy Hughes is still blogging about being homeless. The 16-year-old's site is called 'Anywhere But Here.' The response to her writing is getting national attention and now her blog includes a two word catch phrase.

"Awesome possum," said Hughes.

"And that means?" asked ABC7's Karina Rusk.

I'm happy. It's a good thing," said Hughes.

Katy is happy because there's a one-bedroom apartment opening up that could be their home as early as next week.

Landlord Jim Pusateli works with various agencies to house the homeless in Santa Clara County, and he stepped up to help Katy and her mom.

"They've had a tough time, and some bad luck, and landlords that haven't been very good to them," said Pusateli.

Pusateli is offering Katy and Elizabeth significantly reduced rent for six months. In addition, EHC LifeBuilders is offering its support.

"We're going to help them with deposit assistance and they're also going to be seeing our employment specialists at the one stop," said Joe Russo from EHC LifeBuilders.

Elizabeth is sending out resumes and preparing with mock interviews. The prospect of a new home and a job is giving these two something they haven't had in months -- hope.

"It's not close enough to touch yet, but we're getting there and I can hardly wait," said Elizabeth Hughes.

Katy is close to touching another dream. Her artwork has caught the attention of people who are willing to pay for her talents. Her grateful response is short and comes with a smile.

"That's a blessing," said Katy Hughes.

Now, Katy's journey to anywhere but here is almost over.

Click on The Back Story to learn more about Katy and Elizabeth's incredible journey.

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