A Mother's Day makeover

Exercises from personal trainer Dede Tabor:

  1. Overhead one-arm press with a small upward lunge with band
    --Works most muscles in the body at once
    --Targets primarily legs, bottom, core muscles and shoulders

  2. Torso twist with band attached to banister
    --Strengthens core muscles and lower body muscles
    --Slims and tones waist area

  3. Overhead triceps extension with exercise band
    --Tones back of the arms

  4. Sideways lunge/plies using bands or with weights in hand
    --Tones thighs on top and inner thigh area
    --Getting out of the normal forward motion also helps with balance

  5. Biceps curl with bands and a little squat/bounce
    --Tones front upper arms, legs and bottom
Salon/guests featured in this segment:
Patrick Evan Salon & Spa
55 Grant Ave., 4th Floor
Between Market St & O'Farrell St.
San Francisco, CA 94108
(415) 421-1111
Patrick Evan stylists: Patrick Evan, Vania Avila, Dale Martin
Personal Trainer: Dede Tabor, BS, NASM, SF Bay Club, Dedebilt Personal Fitness and Nutrition Coaching, 510-748-9387, Dedebilt@yahoo.com
Dietitian: Diana Hendry, El Camino Hospital

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