International Yoga Therapy Conference
October 3-5, 2008
Four Points by Sheraton
1010 Northgate Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903
For centuries, the science of Yoga has been used to enhance physical and emotional well being. Now, the therapeutic potential of yoga is being rediscovered in the modern world. When yoga is practiced with therapeutic intention -- Yoga Therapy -- it can prevent, or aid recovery from, physical and mental ailments.
IYTC is a forum that explores the specific and profound ways in which yoga can aid in maintaining good health or recovery from illness. The event also fills a vital role in public health and wellness education, bridging the gap between the yoga and the medical establishment, a much needed connection.
Featured guest:
About Antonio Sausys:
Antonio Sausys (BA Psychology, MA Body-Oriented Psychotherapy) is a somatic health practitioner and Yoga instructor specializing in one-on-one Yoga Therapy for people with chronic and acute medical conditions as well as emotional imbalance.
During his career, Antonio discovered a key correlation between modern body-oriented psychotherapy and ancient yoguic teachings, integrating the best practices from both worlds. He applies specific yoguic applications working with individuals to create a "Yoga Sadhana". This is a specific and personalized yoguic routine that best serves the individuals' needs and abilities, integrating mind, body and spirit to fully embrace the experience of life.
He studied with Yoga masters and teachers such as Indra Devi, Swami Mairtreyananda, Swami Shankaradevananda, Swami Ekananda, Babashi Singh, Ram Dass and Larry Payne. He has continued his professional development with training in Foot Reflexology, Swedish Therapeutic Massage, the Degriefing Process and Reiki.
Antonio teaches and lectures at U.C. Berkeley, California Institute of Integral Studies, Alive and Well- Institute of Conscious Body Work, College of Marin, served as a faculty member at the American Yoga College,is the former Honorary Secretary of the International Yoga Federation for USA, Delegate of International Yogatherapy Association and Director of U.S.Yoga Federation.