Shots fired at high school track meet


Everyone in the stands was terrified and it sparked a chaotic scene. The bullets began flying right at the entrance of Pinole Valley High School.

"Just based on the atmosphere and how they were talking to each other, I knew we needed a police presence here and I called," says high school track coach Sam Burns.

The track meet had just gotten underway, when a fight broke out near the bleachers at Pinole Valley High. Several coaches broke it up.

"You could tell, even though they were breaking it up, the kids weren't going away and they weren't calming down," says Burns.

The 1,600 meter race was about to begin just as police arrived.

"Shots come out of nowhere. We thought it was the starting gun for the races, so we weren't sure, we were kind of confused at first," says Nadia Lewis, a track athlete from Benicia.

Five shots rang out near the entrance of the school.

"You could hear the shots... flying by you," says witness Matthew Abuan.

"There was multiple people fighting in the crowd. We had multiple people running from the scene," says Pinole Police Sgt. Will Palmini.

"Everybody started running toward the other end of bleachers and all of the track participants, everybody that was involved in the meet, ran over to the baseball fields to get out of the area," says Abuan.

A few baseball players say they saw the suspect scale a fence and jump into Pinole Creek behind the school.

Police arrested 19-year-old Dnedrick Kelly near the creek. They say he had a 9mm handgun in his waistband, but a second suspect was seen wading through the muddy waters making his escape.

"One kid had blood all over his hand, and he just ran out of the stadium. I don't know where he went," says Abuan.

Police found and questioned him, but in a crowd of more than 200 spectators, they were surprised more people were not hurt.

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