About OCSC Sailing:
OCSC Sailing began in 1979, with one boat, a shed and a simple idea: share the joy of sailing and take care of our clients the way we'd want our friends and family to be treated.
Three decades later, we're still doing the same thing. Our community has grown, but we still know our customers, and they are still our friends.
We teach sailing to enhance people's inextricable link to the ocean, to nature and to each other. We do this as stewards and teachers of the joy, art, science, tradition and responsibility of sailing. We're sailors on a voyage of discovery. Welcome aboard.
For a detailed look at all of OCSC's sailing classes, visit ocscsailing.com/school
1 Spininiker Way
Berkeley,CA 94710
Phone Numbers:
800.223.2984 (nationwide)
510.843.4200 (local)
510.843.2155 (fax)
Website: ocscsailing.com
Featured event:
$40 Wednesday night twilight sails are back. An economical way to get on the SF Bay. Check in at 5:30 p.m., gear provided, sail for two hours and then get a little apre' sail clam chowder and beverages.
For more information, visit ocscsailing.com