The video, released Tuesday, was made by the group Live Action, founded in San Jose and run by San Jose native and pro-life media darling Lila Rose. Shot with a hidden camera, the video records an encounter with a Planned Parenthood staffer at a clinic in Austin, Texas. A pregnant woman posing as a patient tells the staffer she wants to abort her baby if it's a girl. She is told an ultra sound can determine the fetus' sex.
"So then I'd want to try to schedule an ultrasound with an O.B. around then and then I would still be able to come back here and terminate if it was a girl?" the woman can be heard asking in the video.
The Planned Parenthood staffer never objects to what the pregnant woman is proposing, but does warn her to keep it quiet.
"Um, somethings you can't be too open, because there are people out there that will place judgment, you know?" the staffer says in the video.
The staffer concludes with a cheery, "Well good luck and I hope that you do get your boy."
The video repeats that last line three times for emphasis.
Live Actions's Lila Rose, who just recently moved from San Jose to Washington D.C., Tuesday afternoon appeared on Fox News with Bill O'Reilly.
"Groups like Planned Parenthood which claim to be pro women, which is absurd…groups like Planned Parenthood are going out there fighting tooth and nail against every abortion restriction or regulation," she said. "They want abortion anywhere anytime for any reason."
Tuesday, Planned Parenthood said the staffer did not follow proper protocol and that, "Within three days of this patient interaction, the staff member's employment was ended and all staff members at this affiliate were immediately scheduled for retraining..."
A public relations firm working with Rose says there will be more videos out this week and that the timing couldn't be better because the House of Representatives is due to vote Thursday on a bill to ban sex selection abortions.
But House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi doesn't know anything about that.
"The issue that you're bringing up, a very specific issue about something I haven't seen, I'm not going to comment on," she said.
Pelosi said she is unaware of the bill, but she did say Republicans have done a great deal to push women into the Democratic camp.
"They have given us more differentiation than we would ever have the message discipline to make ourselves, she said.
Pelosi was referring to the Republican-led congressional hearings on contraception -- the famous all male panel, and Rush Limbaugh's infamous comment about the woman who later testified in a separate hearing.