A small portion of the chain-link fence surrounding this facility was snipped open. Vandals did not make it into the building, but some cables were cut. A group of crime scene investigators, including an FBI agent, have been investigating and city workers have been trying to fix the problems.
"All of the vital services that we provide to the city were not impacted as it relates to public safety," said Ron Vinson, the deputy director of the San Francisco Department of Technology.
Twin Peaks is one of the broadcast points for police, fire, and other city crews' radio communications. And while none of those systems were affected, vandals cut lines for one of the building's air conditioning systems. The FBI was called in because the area is an emergency communications hub and it is a facility that's has a number of security measures in place.
"Here are surveillance cameras, and we don't really go into specifics on security protocols and procedures and so forth, but there are security cameras present and that will be part of the investigation," said San Francisco Police Sgt. Michael Andraychak.
Most visitors to Twin Peaks are often unaware of the communications tower -- and the red bunker between them -- in part because of the spectacular view the peaks have of Downtown San Francisco.
In this case, it seems the vandals were simply looking to do damage. There were no cables or other materials stolen from the site. Vandalism of public property is unfortunately a fairly regular occurrence.
"Vandalism is something that's hard to plan for, but the good thing at that particular location is very secure, and it's very robust," said Vinson.
City officials and police investigators aren't giving away a whole lot of information at this point, in part because their investigation is still continuing and also because it is a secure facility and they don't want to give away too many details.