Jan. 20, 2021 begins string of palindrome dates

When is the next palindrome date? January 20, 2021 begins 10 such days

Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Jan. 20, 2021 begins string of palindrome dates
The date 1-20-21 begins a string of palindrome dates.

The next 10 days are sure to be historic, and it's not just because of the inauguration.

Wednesday marks the beginning of a slew of palindrome dates, which are dates that can be read the same forward and backward, CNN reported.

For 10 consecutive days, from 1/20/21 to 1/29/21, the dates are mirrored. And, according to the Farmers' Almanac, this is the first palindrome-number Inauguration Day, with the next one occurring in 1,000 years on Jan. 20, 3021.

Later this year, we'll have even more palindrome dates -- beginning with 12/1/21 and going until 12/9/21.

For those that use the DD/MM/YY format -- like in the UK -- there won't be any such palindrome fun.

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But in 100 years, we'll have another date that will be a palindrome date in all formats: 12/12/2121.

Palindromes can also be phrases, such as "rats live on no evil star," "never odd or even" and "a man, a plan, a canal, Panama." The phrase "A Toyota's a Toyota" can continue as a palindrome forever, as in, "A Toyota's a Toyota's a Toyota..."

Palindrome comes from the Greek words "palin," which means "again, back" and "dromos," meaning "running," according to Dictionary.com. A palindrome, then, is a word or phrase that runs back on itself.

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The video in the player above is from an earlier report.