Sources: Suspect in dog's death in San Francisco arrested 40 times previously

Vic Lee Image
ByVic Lee KGO logo
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Sources: Suspect in dog's death in SF arrested 40 times previously
ABC7 News has learned the person accused of throwing a Chihuahua to its death off the seventh floor of a parking garage had been arrested more than 40 times in San Francisco before being taken into custody for animal cruelty.

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- The auto burglary suspect who hurled a chihuahua off the seventh floor of a San Francisco garage is no stranger to the law.

Wakeen Best was charged Wednesday with felony auto burglary, vandalism and animal cruelty after a dashboard camera caught the crimes on tape.

Police say the Best targeted vehicles parked in the Sutter-Stockton garage, and on Saturday, grabbed Dunky, a 4-year-old chihuahua, during a car break-in.

"It's very disturbing particularly when you're talking about a defenseless little animal," said Alex Bastian, District Attorney spokesman.

An online petition calling for the DA to prosecute Best to the full extent of the law has already received 732 comments.

RELATED: Dog tossed to its death from SF parking garage during burglary

San Francisco police said they arrested an animal cruelty and auto burglary suspect thought to have tossed a Chihuahua to its death Saturday from the seventh floor of a parking garage.

Best pleaded not guilty Wednesday, while prosecutors asked for no bail and no contact with animals.

"This seems totally out of character," said Public Defender Alexandra Pray. "I find it hard to believe (Best) would intentionally hurt an animal."

Just last month, Best was convicted of auto burglary, which also happened in the Sutter-Stockton garage. Best served a total of 64 days in jail and was put on probation.

Best's rap sheet shows 40 arrests, mostly for low-level crimes, over 15 years.

The judge set bail at $85,000, but because Best violated felony probation from the old auto burglary case, it's unlikely this defendant will get out soon.

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