Marin County to synchronize Sir Francis Drake Blvd. traffic lights

ByJobina Fortson KGO logo
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Marin County to synchronize Sir Francis Drake Blvd. traffic lights
Frustrated drivers in Marin County may see some relief soon along Sir Francis Drake Boulevard.

MARIN COUNTY, Calif. (KGO) -- Frustrated drivers in Marin County may see some relief soon along Sir Francis Drake Boulevard. The corridor is the county's busiest east-west road-- 40,000 drivers travel it daily.

Marin County is spending more than $98,000 to synchronize 13 traffic lights along Sir Francis Drake Boulevard between Elm Avenue next to the College of Marin, and Larkspur Landing Circle.

The work will start on April 11 and last about two weeks.

The lights are being resynchronized to address traffic volume and safety. The county is also hoping for greener outcomes, fewer vehicles consistently stopping would mean fewer emissions.

"People try to squeeze through on the light because they don't want to wait for another one," Nick McNaboe, a Petaluma resident, said. "It can't hurt. I mean I think just change the timing between commute hours. I think it would be a good idea."

Marin County Public Works will monitor the changes for the next several months and will be accepting feedback from drivers.

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