BERKELEY, Calif. -- A female University of California at Berkeley student was allegedly assaulted in her dorm room by a co-worker, according to the University of California Police Department.
Police received a report of the incident March 3 at 4:55 p.m. The incident occurred a short time earlier, police said.
The student and the suspect met at a Bay Area company where the student was doing an internship, according to police. Police are describing the suspect as an Asian man, 20 to 30 years old, with a light build, medium complexion, brown eyes and short black hair.
The police department's criminal investigation bureau is investigating the incident. Police said they delayed releasing a report of the incident because of the needs of the investigation.
Police would like to remind residents that a sexual assault is never the fault of the survivor.
According to police a range of acts are considered sexual assaults that include attacks or attempted attacks usually involving unwanted sexual contact. Sexual assaults may involve force but may not and include acts such as grabbing or fondling.
Police recommend men or woman get away from someone who approaches them or touches them in an inappropriate way. Police recommend calling out for help.
Students can dial 911, call (510) 642-3333 or activate a blue light emergency phone.