Want to Get Married at Walt Disney World? Here's What You Need to Know

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Friday, October 15, 2021
Walt Disney World Fairytale Weddings
Dream of getting married at Walt Disney World? Here's what you need to know! Disney is the parent company of Localish.

ORLANDO, Fl. -- Do you ever dream of getting married at Walt Disney World? From stunning castle courtyards to gorgeous lakeside gazebos, Walt Disney World has over 50 venues to choose from, many of which are featured on the new Disney+ show Disney's Fairy Tale Weddings.

"Couples come from all over the country and all over the globe to get married with us," says Korri McFann, a spokeswoman from Disneys Fairy Tale Weddings and Honeymoons.

But did you know that Disney's Fairy Tale Weddings and Honeymoons does more than just weddings? You also plan vow renewals like Suzanne and David Switzers, who are celebrating their 50th anniversary at Walt Disney Worlds 50th-anniversary celebration.

"Vow renewals are very popular," notes Korri, "The trend we're seeing is that people aren't even having to wait for 50 years. They're celebrating at five years, ten, fifteen. It's really a whole celebration with the whole family."

For more information about planning your own dream wedding at the Disney parks, visit: www.disneyweddings.com.

Disney is the parent company of Localish.