9-year-old heart transplant, lymphoma survivor gets robot


Nine-year-old Peter Hanson from Menlo Park is a heart transplant and lymphoma survivor who loves robots. Thanks to the Make-a-Wish Foundation and a company called Anybots, Peter now has his very own robot!

The Santa Clara-based company makes virtual presence systems, which are robots that allow you to be places where you physically can't be. For instance, the robot can attend school for Peter when he's too sick to go.

Peter named his robot Ro-Bob and says he can't wait to use it.

"I love it, it's cool," said the boy's father, Charles Hanson. "Peter was born with severe heart disease. He had a heart transplant when he was two. And when he was eight, he had to do chemotherapy. Now he's nine, and he has a robot."

Thursday was also officially proclaimed Peter Hanson and Make-a-Wish Day in Santa Clara.

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