Police search for missing mother and child

Since that time, Brittany has had phone contact with her mother and states she is in the Petaluma area.

Brittany and Cheyanne have also been seen by friends in the last weeks in Milpitas. Brittany is 18 years old and has informed her mother that she is safe but unwilling to return home. She indicated that Cheyanne was ill, possibly with bronchitis.

Police believe Brittany and Cheyanne are homeless and are very concerned about the baby's well-being and lack of medical attention, especially during this heat wave and with the amount of smoke in the air.

Anyone who has seen Brittany and Cheyanne or knows anything about their whereabouts should call the Mountain View Police Department at 650-903-6395.

Police are encouraging Brittany to call them herself so that they can be assured that her baby is receiving proper medical treatment and has a roof over her head.

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