Confusion over Marsh Creek Road escort


Public Works has taken over an escort on the road from the CHP. Only residents are being let through the area between Morgan Territory and Deer Valley Roads. Commuters on Thursday were very confused and they had every right to be.

"The sign should read 'Escort Provided," said a driver.

Instead it read 'Road Closed To Through Traffic,' which caused confusion for commuters on Marsh Creek Road in Contra Costa County.

"The road closed sign kind of got me," said Claudice Phippen, commuter.

After two deadly car accidents on Marsh Creek Road in the last five days, the CHP decided to escort traffic through a construction zone to force people to slow down. The roadway is littered with gravel that likely played a factor with the recent accidents. On Thursday, Bill Tindall, of Clayton was killed by an out of control driver while trying to help another man who had crashed.

The only problem with the CHP's efforts is that they failed to use the proper signs.

"I understand the frustrations and I just tell people - you just got to take your time and we are here to provide safety for everyone," said Ofc. Reny Sunga, CHP.

Finally just after 8:00 am the proper sign was posted in place - a little too late for many on their way to work.

Public Works has not given a timeline as to how long they will be escorting cars through that area.

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