Foreclosure workshop held in Redwood City


It's a reality these homeowners facing foreclosure are trying to change, by coming to this foreclosure prevention workshop. For some, it's a last ditch effort before moving out.

"We'll be pretty soon if we don't get help," said Moses Mills, a homeowner.

Mills has been in his East Palo Alto home for 50 years, but a few months ago, he got behind on his mortgage payments.

"I used to work two jobs now. I'm retired and when you retire, you only get a certain amount of money and sometimes you just over do it," said Mills.

He's not alone. In California, 13,000 notices of foreclosure go out every month. In Redwood City that number is 400.

"Redwood City is a really diverse and we're finding a lot of clients are having communication issues, communicating with the lenders," said Keisha Woods, a Foreclosure Intervention Counselor.

The non-profit, EPA Can Do, allowed homeowners to meet with counselors, attorneys, and even banks like Indymac, Washington Mutual, and Countrywide.

"I'm hoping, I'm staying positive," said Armen Nunez, a homeowner.

Nunez is hoping for a miracle. His mortgage was $1,500 a month, but the interest rate adjusted recently. It's now $5,000 a month.

"They said, 'Don't worry in two years your house will go up,' blah, blah, blah. Well, it didn't. So now I'm here," said Nunez.

While many left here simply with some advice, others left with clear direction. For Mills, an Indymac representative told him, after reviewing his records, something could definitely be worked out.

EPA Can Do held a similar event in September. There were 70 people who were going through the foreclosure process at that event. In one month's time, 20 people have already had their loans modified.

There are a lot of resources for homeowners facing foreclosure.
Click here for foreclosure resources.

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