Foster parents say sweatshirt not Hasanni's


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On Monday, the Oakland police crime lab will begin DNA testing the items found a little more than one mile from the spot where /*Hasanni Campbell*/ was reported missing 34 days ago.

Hasanni's foster parents arrived at the scene around 5:30 p.m. Sunday and quickly determined that the articles of clothing did not belong to the missing 5-year-old. /*Louis Ross*/ and /*Jennifer Campbell*/ said with confidence that the gray sweatshirt was the wrong brand. They said the sock and part of a blanket found were also not his.

Around 1 p.m. Oakland crime scene technicians were called in and the sweatshirt was photographed and tagged. On the day Hasanni went missing his foster father said he was wearing a gray sweatshirt and pants, and that is why the items got so much attention Sunday.

The sheriff's canine was given a whiff of the clothing and it took off in search of a scent, but it did not find one. Alameda County search and rescue dogs are also helping cover a nearby hillside by Highway 24 and Highway 13.

Hasanni disappeared about on August 10th and volunteers said the sweatshirt looked like it had been at the scene for about one month. The group of 50 volunteer searchers started the day planning to cover three areas, the Tamescal Regional Recreation Area, the Claremont Canyon Reserve and the area near Chabot Park.

After Oakland police investigators declared the case a homicide, the police stopped searching for Hasanni. But, local volunteers have continued looking and say they will continue even after Sunday's events.

Louis Ross and Jennifer Campbell were arrested on suspicion of murder, but they were released because investigators could not find enough evidence to charge them. On Sunday their attorney /*John Burris*/ explained that their relationship with the police and media has become very guarded since their release, which is why the couple made very few comments Sunday.

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