- Prepare your hair before washing. Use a natural bristle hair brush and gently brush through from scalp and work all the way to then ends. This reduces the tangles and distribute the natural oil to prevent split ends.
- Pay attention to your technique. Avoid using fingernails which can damage scalp and hair. Massage with fingertips to increase blood flow, resulting in healthier hair. Choose a quality shampoo with neutral pH balance and rinse thoroughly.
- Condition your hair for beauty. A good conditioner will prevent tangles, split ends and protect hair. Use cooler water to rinse off conditioner for shinier and more manageable tresses.
- Use hair spray, gel and other products sparingly. Built-up residue makes hair look dull and unhealthy. Harsh chemicals in dying and perms add stress to hair, so do not overdo these. Make a simple DIY solution to dissolve build-up: mix 1/2 tsp. baking soda with 1 cup of water as a rinse to rid hair of build-up. Use this solution before shampooing, and it will leave the hair super clean.
- While lemons work to make light hair more beautiful, coffee is the ingredient of choice for those with darker hair. Pour one cup of cooled, strong espresso onto dry hair, working it in as completely as possible. Leave on for about 20 minutes, then rinse and dry for shiny, glowing hair.
- Dandruff: Mix one part vinegar to three parts water and apply to scalp at bedtime. Put on a shower cap and leave on overnight. Rinse with same solution in morning. Continue treatment until dandruff is gone. You can also soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight to create a paste. Massage the paste onto the scalp, let sit for few minutes, and then wash with a mild shampoo.
- To make a really luxuriant conditioner: mix 2 ounces of Aloe Vera gel, 2 ounces of olive oil, and 6 drops each of rosemary and sandalwood essential oils.
- White Rain Energizing Citrus (Only $1, available at Walgreens)
- Balsam and Protein Shampoo (distributed by Awesome Products Inc USA, available at beauty and hair outlets)
- Silkience Shampoo (distributed by Evergreen Consumer Brands Made in Canada)
- Organix (distributed by Vogue International USA, available at Walgreens)
MD Laser & Cosmetics
448 N. San Mateo Drive
San Mateo, CA 94401
Phone: (650) 340-SKIN (7546)
Website: www.susanlinmd.com