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A surveillance video shows the 13-year-old treat-or-treater with a plastic Halloween mask pulled off his face.
He was bleeding from stab wounds, asking for help. His 12-year-old friend had been shot. On Friday, classmates at Lee Mathson Middle School wrote cards to the boys and their families.
"We told him like 'We hope you get better' and one of my friends said to give them a hug," says Eduardo Buenfil, a sixth grade student.
Police officers are spending more time around the school and have set up a fund for the family of the 12-year-old still clinging to life in a coma.
"My heart goes out to them. I wouldn't even want to put into words to what they are experiencing right now, but as a police department we are feeling for them," says Rebecca Marquez from the San Jose Police Officer's Association.
The four suspects are admitted gang members, charged with attempted murder. Even though three of them are juveniles, they will be tried as adults.
Hugo Torres, 15, told police he was the one who stabbed the 13-year-old boy several times.
Police say it was 16-year-old Diego Gutierrez who shot the 12-year-old in the head.
There is a concern about gang activity this weekend and so two community centers in East San Jose will be open emergency extended hours.
Mayfair Community Center and Alum Rock Youth Center will be open until midnight on Friday and Saturday night.
It gives young people like Arlenne Parra, an eighth grader, a place to feel safe.
"Like last week there were lots of people out at night and now you don't see a lot of people," says Parra.
The community is pushing back. On Thursday night they held a vigil and next week there's a public meeting. The hope is, together, they can bring an end to the violence.
The San Jose Peace Officers Association is now taking donations to help those boys. If you can help, click on the link below.
LINK: POA donations for the kids attacked on Halloween
On that page, select "Victims of Halloween Night Attack" on the drop down menu.
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