Six steps to a delicious Greek lemon soup

Greek Lemon Soup
Serves 4
Takes 20 minutes


  • 8 cups chicken stock
  • Salt and white pepper
  • 1/3 cup Italian pastina (tiny pasta)
  • 2 whole eggs
  • Juice of 1-2 lemons
  • 2 Tbs finely chopped parsley or chives (optional)
  • 1/2 Breast Shredded cooked chicken (optional)
  1. Pour stock into a sauce pan and bring to a boil.

  2. Add the pastina to the boiling stock and simmer until tender.

  3. Beat the whole eggs in a separate dish, and add the lemon juice, beating constantly.

  4. Add a ladleful of the soup to the egg mixture and beat well.

  5. Pour this back into the pan slowly, still beating constantly.

  6. Stir constantly until thickened to desired consistency.

Event: SOUP - The Bowl that Keeps Feeding
Purpose: Kids helping local families in crisis
Date: Sunday, November 15, 2009
Time: 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Location: Fresh Starts Cooking School, Homeward Bound, Novato
Fee: Please buy tickets in advance: $10/person, includes a meal of soup + bread plus a homemade soup bowl for you to bring home

What's Cooking, a local cooking school for children, is partnering with Studio4Art, a children's art studio in Novato to raise funds for local families in crisis. The art studio has been working hard to make and glaze soup bowls with kids, and What's Cooking is working with local school children to make homemade soup.

On November 15th, our event will bring members of the community together to share a meal of soup, served in the bowl of your choice. When guests leave with their empty bowl, they will be reminded of the hungry children in our community and that they have personally done something to make a difference. All of the money that we collect from donations and ticket sales will be donated to Homeward Bound of Marin's Emergency Family Shelter to help feed families in crisis.

Here is the link to the event details:

About Michelle Stern

After a post-collegiate stint at studying primate mating behavior, Michelle Stern taught high school biology and environmental science for five years. Now, instead of parenting 150 high school students a day, she focuses on her two wonderful children, various 4-legged pets and backyard chickens.

When she isn't spending time with her own children, Michelle runs What's Cooking, a certified-green company that offers healthy and seasonal cooking classes to kids in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Not only do her classes teach kids and their families to enjoy delicious home-made foods, but they also motivate families to use food and cooking to help those less fortunate.

What's Cooking, Cooking Classes and Community Service for Children

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