More expected at 'Occupy Oakland' on Saturday


Organizers said Danny Glover is expected to lead a "Jobs Not Cuts" march this afternoon from Laney College to the Oakland encampment, where he will join the mayors of Oakland, Berkeley and Richmond.

More than 500 people attended Friday's Occupy Oakland demonstrations, which, like similar occupations, have spoken out against corporate greed and expressed outage against "a societal model that has little value for the overwhelming majority of the people," organizers said.

"The collective society has had its dignity ripped from it," Tara Stroud, of Oakland, said. "We gather together, united, to regain that power."

On Monday afternoon, Occupy Oakland protesters converged on Frank Ogawa Plaza, their tents dotting the lawn in front of Oakland City Hall.

As with similar occupations occurring across the Bay Area and the nation, the amorphous movement has attracted many different types of demonstrators.

Organizers say that the movement has emphasized solidarity that is blind to political affiliations and identity based on location, culture or race.

"The sense of community and camaraderie here is really inspiring," Kevin Seal, of Oakland, said. "It's intimately local and fully global all at once."

Some Bay Area elected officials have voiced their support for the area's rallies, including San Francisco Supervisor John Avalos, who is running for mayor in that city. Avalos spoke of the Occupy SF protests and demanded accountability from corporate banks in an on-camera interview with Current TV's Keith Olbermann this week.

At a Richmond demonstration Thursday, Mayor Gayle McLaughlin said she supported her city's rally as well as the entire Occupy Wall Street movement.

McLaughlin said that she and some City Council members stand against corporate dominations and won their elections without accepting corporate money.

Glover is expected to lead the march at 2:30 p.m.

Occupy Oakland's general assembly, which is open to the public, is scheduled for 7 p.m. in the amphitheater on the north side of 14th Street just west of Broadway.

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