Oakland police arrest 'Occupy' protesters in trees


There was a different crowd and energy on Friday, with the crowd appearing to purposely agitation police. At one point, a wrench was thrown over a police car.

Oakland cops took decisive action when a second person decided to occupy a sycamore tree outside City Hall at Frank Ogawa Plaza. Police moved in, snatched his rope and ordered him to stand down.

But the excitement continued as the crowd became more agitated by the police and another arrest.

It has been a busy week for protesters. On Thursday, a dozen people were arrested at a foreclosed property in West Oakland. The home was boarded up after police cleared it.

On Wednesday, 14 Occupy campers were cited and one man was arrested after cops cleared out a lot in West Oakland. Occupiers had claimed that the lot was not registered in county property records and in their judgment was "free for occupation."

Later that day, an owner was identified who immediately filed a complaint with police. Just before 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Oakland police moved in and the occupiers were moved out.

It was some time in the early morning on Friday that a tree sitter put up a platform and hung a sign. So far, city officials have not made an effort to remove the structure, but have made it clear that they have no intention of allowing anyone else to join him.

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