Hundreds turn out in Oakland to run for Boston bombing victims


They may have been separated by distance, but the runners in Oakland's Snow Park were connected to Boston in spirit.

More than 300 of them ran through Oakland. They ran three miles--one for each victim who died in the bombings. Boston Marathon runner Paula Ferre of Concord ran the marathon and was near the explosions.

"A lot of emotion... like right now, just remembering peoples' faces and the fear. Lots of fear, but the camaraderie," said Ferre.

The run was organized by the owner of the See Jane Run sporting goods store, Lori Shannon.

"We're standing strong together as a community and we're not going to let this kind of thing hold us back," said Shannon.

Friday morning, organizers of the San Francisco Marathon are holding a run to show their support for the Boston Bombing victims. It starts at 7 a.m. at Sue Bierman Park, just north of Embarcadero 4 in the city.

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