In "Toy Story Of Terror," the series' first foray into television, Woody, Buzz and the gang take a road trip, one that's interrupted by a series of frightening events.
"All of the Toy Story films have had moments of toys in peril, where you're anxious for the toys. I think the biggest surprise will be the amount of thrill you feel versus that slow burn into being concerned," said Galyn Susman, a producer.
It's a sequel of sorts to Toy Story 3, with many of the familiar faces and voices from the movies, including Tom Hanks as Woody and Tim as Buzz Lightyear.
"It's a road trip, so Bonnie, the owner of the toys now, she only has a limited amount of room in her backpack so she chose a few of her favorites," said Angus MacLane, the director
Despite all the innovation, all the technology at Pixar, creating animation is still a very time consuming, meticulous process.
"Feature production is four to five seconds per week of animation," said Michael Makarewicz, the supervising animator. "We're sort of in this little world for a long time, so for us we do our little chunk and then we sort of give it away and then we see how it fits in with all the other chunks."
It's a long process, but the new high-tech computers give the artist behind them, almost unlimited flexibility in fine-tuning his 3D creation.
From story board to final rendering, "Toy Story Of Terror" though much shorter is most definitely in the same league as its big-screen predecessors.