Tiny French bulldog functions as alarm clock in adorable viral video

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Friday, January 15, 2016
Link the dog tries to get his owner, Sean Sarantos, to wake up by nibbling on his beard.
Sean Sarantos/Facebook

There's no hitting snooze on this alarm clock.

Link the French bulldog shows how he can function as an alarm clock, according to his owner Sean Sarantos. Link gnaws on his owner's beard in an attempt to get him to wake up, but Sarantos can't be coaxed out of bed that easily. The pair engages in a battle of wills, with Sarantos nibbling in Link's general direction in an effort to get his little alarm clock to shut off.

Clearly Sarantos is not the only one who wakes up with the help of a furry little friend. The video has been viewed more than 28 million times on Facbeook in a few short days and has tens of thousands of comments, many of them about how their animals wake them up, too, and in much less pleasant ways.

"We also have an alarm clock but ours is a cat," reads one comment. "She comes in and starts meowing every two minutes she will continue doing it until you get out of bed."

Sarantos is a fitness author and self-described entertainer on social media, but Link is a bit of a social media star in his own right. His Instagram page, "Slinky Linky the Frenchie," has 24,000 followers and is filled with videos of him being just as adorable as his "alarm clock" bit.

If only we could all have such an adorable alarm clock to wake up to.

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