Democratic reps seek to replace House Bill 2 in North Carolina

Byby TIffany Wilson KGO logo
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Democratic representatives seek to replace House Bill 2 in North Carolina
Lawmakers in North Carolina are taking another shot Wednesday morning at a controversial bill that limits LGBT rights.

Lawmakers in North Carolina are taking another shot Wednesday morning at a controversial bill that limits LGBT rights, including forcing transgender people to use the bathroom that matches their birth gender, not the one they identify with.

Democratic state representatives announced the new bill this morning. The Equality for All Act is an attempt to override the controversial House Bill 2 that was passed in March.

They say repealing House Bill 2 is both a civil rights issue and a business one.

RELATED: North Carolina's controversial 'Anti-LGBT' bill explained

Since House Bill 2 went into effect, this mother of a transgender child says her son's personal struggles have been thrust into the public spotlight.

"This bill is emotionally killing our children and it must be repealed," mother Hope Tyler said.

She's pleading with Republican lawmakers on Wednesday to overturn the law for her son's sake, and for everyone else who is transgender.

RELATED: North Carolina LGBT law: Economic fallout grows from boycott

Four Democratic state representatives are sponsoring House Bill 1078. It seeks to replace House Bill 2 with inclusive language that allows transgender people to use the restroom of their gender identity, not their birth.

"If you are a citizen, you should be treated equally. That is my rock bottom belief," Rep. Kelly Alexander (D-North Carolina) said.

The new bill's sponsors say House Bill 2 has cost the state its reputation and damaged the economy.

Now public schools and universities stand to lose federal funding as well.

RELATED: Lawsuit challenges North Carolina anti-discrimination law

"It is my hope that before more harm is done, that those who supported House Bill 2 will swallow their fear and their pride and look for a way out of mire of this state-sanctioned discriminatory bill," Rep. Susan Fisher (D- Noth Carolina) said.

On Monday, the federal government filed a lawsuit against North Carolina.

North Carolina's governor responded with a lawsuit against the Department of Justice.

RELATED: North Carolina sues federal government over LGBT law

While no Republicans have spoken out about the new proposed bill, state Democrats say there's only one way forward.

"We've lost half a billion dollars in the economic interest, $4.5 billion on the line in education funding. I believe there will be a repeal vote," Rep. Chris Sgro (D- North Carolina) said.

The North Carolina general assembly is dominated by Republicans who have defended House Bill 2 despite an intense backlash.

The Republican governor also continues to stand by the bill.

For more stories about the controversial anti-LGBT law in North Carolina, click here.

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