Fans don't approve of Lucille Ball statue

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Saturday, April 4, 2015

JAMESTOWN, NY -- She was a comedy legend, entertaining so many of us with her crazy antics on the "I Love Lucy" show, but some people say there is nothing funny about the Lucille Ball statue that was built in her hometown of Jamestown, New York. Critics say the statue is scary, and makes the comedy icon look vaguely possessed, and now there is a new push to change it.

On Saturday morning, the statue of the beloved comedian had 'I Love Lucy' fans expressing their hate online. A Facebook campaign called, "We Love Lucy! Get Rid of the Statue" stays the mayor of the town has some 'splainin'' to do.

The complaint? The monument looks nothing like the iconic Vitameatavegamin girl. Critics online call the monument to the comedy legend 'ugly', a 'dishonor', even 'terrifying'.

Mayor Scott Schrecengost says while the brand new statue that Lucy fans are calling for might not happen, plans are underway to have a new artist show the current statue some much needed love.

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