Woman killed in fatal Santa Rosa rollover crash ID'd

Bay City News
Sunday, January 25, 2015
A vehicle overturned onto a pedestrian in downtown Santa Rosa on Jan. 20, 2015.
A vehicle overturned onto a pedestrian in downtown Santa Rosa on Jan. 20, 2015.

SANTA ROSA, Calif. -- A woman killed last week when a car overturned on her in downtown Santa Rosa has been identified as 73-year-old Ruth Ileen Tapian, the Sonoma County coroner's office announced on Sunday.

Tapian was on the southeast corner of Third and B streets on Tuesday when a vehicle collided with another vehicle, overturned and landed on her, Santa Rosa police Sgt. Mike Numainville said.

Daniel Borbely, 72, was driving a white Ford Explorer east on Third Street at B Street shortly before 2:30 p.m. when he collided into a green Volvo wagon west on Third Street driven by David Nelson, 94, who made a left turn onto southbound B Street, Numainville said.

The Ford SUV flipped over and landed on Tapian, who was pronounced dead at the scene, he said.

Both drivers are Santa Rosa residents. They suffered minor injuries and were taken to Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital, police said.

Police are reviewing video from Luther Burbank Savings Bank and other businesses at the intersection as part of their investigation into the crash, Numainville said.

The collision closed the intersection for nearly five hours.

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