Raunchy testimony in Silicon Valley sex bias case

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Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Ellen Pao

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- Silicon Valley heavyweights returned to the courtroom Thursday in the gender discrimination case of Ellen Pao against her former venture capital firm.

Pao was expected to take the stand, but did not. She could begin testifying on Friday.

She is seeking $16 million dollars from her former firm, Kleiner Perkins , claiming she was discriminated against because she is a woman.

Attorney Stephen Hirschfeld conducted an independent investigation for Kleiner Perkins.

He testified that Pao told him about a private jet flight spent discussing porn stars, all male dinners, and being passed over for a board seat because she was out on maternity leave.

Hirschfeld also recounted how Pao was described by Kleiner Perkins venture capitalist John Doerr as having a "female chip on her shoulder."